ICIP 2006, Atlanta, GA

Slide Show

Atlanta Conv. & Vis. Bureau


Technical Program

Rooms for the sessions have been changed recently. The information listed here is the most recent.

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Location: Marquis III
Monday, October 9
09:40 - 12:40
MA-L2: H.264 Video Coding - I Marquis III
14:20 - 17:20
Special Session: MP-L6: Network-Aware Multimedia Processing and Communications Marquis III
Tuesday, October 10
09:40 - 12:40
Special Session: TA-L6: Signal/Image Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Marquis III
14:20 - 17:20
TP-L2: Video Streaming and Networking - I Marquis III
Wednesday, October 11
09:40 - 12:40
WA-L1: Error Resiliance and Concealment Marquis III
14:20 - 17:20
Special Session: WP-L6: 3DTV: Extraction, Representation, Compression and Transmission Marquis III